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APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIPMaster's in Product Design
Year of Graduation: 1984
Current role: Architect and professor
Country: Italy
Francesco Murano is an architect and professor at the Design School and member of the “Light and Color” laboratory of the Milan Polytechnic. He obtained a master at the Domus Academy and a PhD in Industrial Design with a degree thesis entitled “The shapes of light”.
He carried out academic, scientific, research programs and design activity for important Italian and foreign industries focusing on lighting design and illuminating many of the most important art exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
“The year at Domus Academy represented for me most important period of my professional life, I have known masters as Clino Trini Castelli, Sottsass, Branzi, Mendini, Bonetto and Pierre Restany.”
“The Master’s programme with Clino Trini Castelli and Antonio Petrillo introduced me to the fantastic world of lighting design, a world in which I wonderfully live.”