On February 2nd afternoon, the event started with the opening presentation by the Edu Summit Co-chair, Michele Aquila – Master’s in Interaction Design programme Leader, and Bel Barreiros.

After a series of talks the day ended with a keynote speech by Derrick de Kerckhove, world-renowned sociologist and academic, former Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology at the University of Toronto, scientific director of the Rome based monthly Media Duemila, and of the Osservatorio TuttiMedia.

On Monday 3rd, in the morning, Domus Academy hosted 8 talks on the new perspectives on the role of Education in Interaction Design. In the afternoon participants attended one of the five workshops on topics that ranged from augmented reality to artificial intelligence, from planet centric design to design fiction.

The two-days events ended with a closing keynote by Stuart Candy, director of Situation Lab and Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon School of Design – Pittsburgh, USA.

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